From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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How to delete files

How to delete files

- [Instructor] During the course of your day-to-day managing of the files and folders on your Mac, you'll most likely come across items that you no longer need. If you really don't need a copy of a file anymore, you should move it to your Mac's trash, represented by the little wastebasket icon on the far right of the dock. Now, on my desktop I have the to-do list text file that I previously created which I don't need anymore. All I have to do to get rid of it is drag it to the trash. So I click, drag, let the dock pop open, and put that on top of the trash. I hear that little sound effect and notice the trash's icon has changed to look like paper has been thrown in a wastebasket, which is a nice visual indication that there are items in your trash. Now, just like with the real trash can that sits by your feet at your real desk, you can still retrieve files that you've thrown in the trash as long as you haven't emptied the trash, which we'll look at in just a moment. To see the…
