From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Five things that work in all applications

Five things that work in all applications - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Five things that work in all applications

- [Presenter] Every software application has a learning curve. Some applications are easier to use and understand than others. But what you're going to find as you become more experienced with computers and software is that nearly all applications have features or controls in common with each other. If you're a novice with computers at the moment, you've probably wondered how more experienced users can just sit down and start being productive with applications they've never used before. Now, of course, Talent and an aptitude for computers can be significant contributors, but what seasoned computer users know is that most applications have basic things in common, and they know where to look for the commands that will allow them to perform the tasks they want to accomplish. So in this video, I want to go over five features that appear in and work the same in nearly all applications. The first common feature is the file menu. Here's some screenshots of the file menu from several…
