From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Connecting to wireless networks

Connecting to wireless networks - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Connecting to wireless networks

- [Instructor] A wireless network is a network to which properly equipped computers can connect via radio signal instead of physical cables. Wireless networks are commonly called wifi networks and are usually the main way for laptop and mobile users to connect to the internet when out and about with their computers. Like a regular wired network, a wifi network does not necessarily have to offer internet access, although internet access is probably the most common reason people set up wifi networks. These days, you can find wireless internet or wifi signals just about anywhere, in homes, offices, hotels, and restaurants. But one thing to bear in mind is that most wireless networks are often password protected. Or in the case of wifi networks you find in hotels, you often have to pay to access their wifi network. So even though you may have the hardware to connect to a wireless network, and all Macs do have wifi built in, you might be limited by password protection or by fees. In the…
