From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Choosing the right tool

Choosing the right tool - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Choosing the right tool

- [Instructor] Another part of progressing beyond the novice level of computer user is being able to quickly determine which applications to use to accomplish various tasks. Now, there's a world of computer software out there, and we can't possibly address all the different types here, but the most common types of software are probably word processors, image editors, graphic design, or page layout programs and spreadsheet applications. And it seems like an obvious point, but you should do your best to create your documents and files in the most appropriate applications. For example, Adobe Photoshop is an image editing application, but I could create a new blank Photoshop document, select the text tool that we find over here and start typing out a business letter. But Photoshop isn't really designed for working with lots of text. It's great at incorporating text into images, but not for just working with a large amount of text. Photoshop is an image editing program and should be used…
