From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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What is BIOS?

What is BIOS?

- This, my friends, is a typical motherboard. Now, as we look at a motherboard, from other episodes, we know things like, for example, this is where we snap in our RAM, and this is where we snap on our CPU. We also know from other episodes that this is the interface by which everybody talks to everybody else on your computer. Except, I'm going to take it even further than that. I'm going to tell you that a motherboard is an assumption. It's an assumption, in that it assumes that you're going to be putting USB devices on here. In fact, even solder USB connectors on there. It assumes that you're going to want to use wireless, so it has wireless ready to go. It assumes that you're going to want to plug in speakers and maybe headphones. It assumes network connections. But it assumes more than that. It assumes there's hard drive connections on here. There are all kinds of little different types of connections for all kinds of little stuff. This has an outrageously large number of USB…
