From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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What is a CPU?

What is a CPU?

- Odds are good you've talked about CPUs casually, like, I've got an Intel CPU, or I've got an AMD CPU. In this episode, I want to answer one simple question, what is a CPU? Now I've got a CPU in my hand right here and what I want to do is just kind of give you a... These are just... I'm a CPU collector, I literally have hundreds and hundreds of CPUs. So I just thought I'd throw out a few. Some of these CPUs are close to 30 years old, some of these are quite new. And just give you an idea of what CPUs physically look like. Underneath they've got little pins or wires. Sometimes they've got little pads. And this is the brain of the computer itself. But I hate the word brain. To me a CPU, and by the way, it stands for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is more like a really, really incredibly powerful calculator. This calculator can calculate billions of different calculations per second. And the secret is, is we have to learn to talk to this guy in such a way that we can actually make him…
