From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Webcams and videoconferencing

Webcams and videoconferencing

- Well, in today's day and age, I'm sure you'll agree with me that a lot of our communication is done remotely. We use things such as video conferencing software to talk to each other, exchange files, ideas, and just stay in touch. So in this video, I thought it'd be a good idea to go through, possibly, the two most prominent platforms that we have for that type of video conferencing and that is Zoom and Teams. The great thing about Teams is that it's included by default in Windows 11. So it's a super easy setup. I actually have to call our friend Mike Smeyer because I need to confirm some parts for my PC build. So let's go ahead and do that. (computer ringing) Hey Mike, enjoying the beach I see. How are you? - Hey, Steve. Pretty good, pretty good. - [Steve] Can you hear and see me okay? - I can hear you just fine. Camera's not quite on yet, though. - Oh, my apologies, I had that disabled. How about now? -…
