From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Troubleshooting printers

Troubleshooting printers

- Well folks, once again, it's time for your buddy, the great Mike Stromy, to help you through the many A+ printer troubleshooting issues that you're going to be seeing both on the exam and in the real world, so bring them on guys. Number one, unable to install printer, that one's easy. You don't have rights to install that printer. Somebody at the administrative level has set it up so that you cannot install the printer. I guess the other possibility is, is there is no printer to install. Somebody hasn't shared the printer or it's a network printer that's not even on the network. So the being unable to install a printer is just a symptom for you pointing at administrative shares, making sure the printer that you want to share is actually where you think it is, the right IP address, the right UNC, whatever it might be, and also make sure that it actually exists and it's turned on and little things like that. Okay, no connectivity, yeah, that one happens a lot. What we're probably…
