From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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System setup

System setup

- PC's have been improving and improving over the decades. We've gone from 16-bit world to 32-bit world to 64-bit world. Everything from our operating systems and our hard drives and our RAM and our CPUs and our different types of connectivity are all getting faster and more powerful, with one exception, and that is BIOS. The original BIOS was an ancient and a 16-bit program, and for decades, I mean this is not that long ago, everything but the BIOS was all up to speed in 64-bit and powerful. And the powers that be got together and said, this is silly. We've updated everything else. Why don't we come up with a new and improved and super powerful BIOS? And they did, and they came up with what we call the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, or UEFI. So technically, UEFI has supplanted BIOS. However, we still call it BIOS, but it's a good, super neat, powerful BIOS, so we call it UEFI BIOS. If you want to be technical, you could just call it UEFI, and we know what you were talking…
