From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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RAM capacity

RAM capacity

- Every stick of RAM stores a certain amount of bites of RAM that we can use. Now, you can't just look at the chips or anything like that to give you an idea. And whether it's DDR, DDR2, DDR3, that has nothing to do with it either. That's just speed. So when we're talking about the capacity of RAM, it's actually kind of fascinating. The RAM chips, the way their internal organization is, is based on a square. So in this particular example, I'm holding a piece of RAM in front of me that is 256 megabytes, which in today's world is incredibly small. Just because of the way RAM is manufactured, when they make a bigger chip, they tend to make it because it's a square, they double each side. So if you think about this, if this is 256 and it's a square, when we double each side, we're in essence making it four times bigger. So the next step up of RAM is going to be one gig, and then from there, four gig and then from there, 16 gig. Get the idea? Now when we talk about RAM capacities, we'll…
