From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Port numbers

Port numbers

The whole reason that we use the Internet is to get information. In order to get information that is going to require us to use some kind of program which we generically call a client, to access something that we generically call a server. Now, let's use probably the most common example there is, just opening up your web browser and going someplace. Your web browser is a web client. It's designed to be used by you to query these things called servers to get information. So when you type in w,, you're actually going to a very specific computer. This computer is running server software. Now, it's not Edge or Firefox or Chrome. This type of software has names like for example, IIS or Apache. In fact here, let me show you a picture of IIS in action. It's pretty boring, right? But what's really happening is that computer is running software that's waiting for you, it's listening for you to come in and send a…
