From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Introduction to mass storage

Introduction to mass storage

- What I've got in front of me is all kinds of storage devices. Storage, mass storage, we can use those terms interchangeably. Look, the bottom line is is that your computer uses lots of data. You store huge videos, you save great, big games, you've got big operating systems that need a lot of storage space, and that's what all these different devices are for. Now, when we talk about all these different devices, there's all kinds of different technology. We have things like optical media, we have things like old school hard drives that spin. We have solid state drives, which are more popular these days. But the bottom line is, is that it doesn't matter what these devices are, they've all got some kind of minimum storage space, an atom, the smallest amount of storage they can handle, and they're all kind of divided into this. Like with hard drives, it can be something called a sector, which can be 512 bytes or 4,096…
