From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Internet tiers

Internet tiers

- It's easy to say that the internet is simply a big wide area network, and that's technically correct, but the internet is actually broken up into what we call tiers. And what I want to do is take a moment and kind of give you an idea of how the internet really works because, well, it's funny, and it's interesting, let's start with the good old USA. So here's a map of the United States. And around the United States are about 10 different companies. Now, these 10 companies provide internet, not really to you and I, but they provide internet to very large customers. What's interesting about these companies is that none of them actually provide complete coverage of the United States. However, between these 10, they do cover the entire United States which makes for an interesting situation. The problem is, is because none of these big carriers cover the entire United States, they have to work together. Now keep in mind…
