From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Installing and troubleshooting RAM

Installing and troubleshooting RAM

- Upgrading your RAM is one of the quickest and easiest tasks that you can do to immediately increase your system performance. Whether you're doing a new PC build or simply updating your system in order to run the latest 3D game, you are going to need to know how to install and troubleshoot RAM. Now, I have in front of me a couple of very similar looking RAM sticks. They're both have these metallic heat spreaders. They both have a ton of pins that I can't readily identify just by looking at 'em, and they're both blue and I want to install RAM in this motherboard. But, let's create a problem so that we can apply CompTIA's A+ troubleshooting theory steps to this. I'm going to go ahead and take these nice looking HyperX Fury sticks. And I actually want to install these in my motherboard here. And if you look down, I have a little button here that I slide off a little notch, a little lever, and I'm going to go ahead and put my RAM in. But something seems to be wrong. If you notice, it…
