From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Installing a local printer

Installing a local printer

- If you want to use a printer, you're going to have to connect it. Now, there are three ways that we can connect to get printers so that we can use them. Number one is going to be a local printer. In that case, what we're talking about is we're going to take this printer and we're going to plug it into a local system. Now by default, that means you're the only person who can use it. We'll talk about sharing in other episodes. The second way you can set up a printer is on a network. So that could either be with an RJ45 cable, assuming your printer has that, or wireless. Again, assuming if your printer has that, and we'll save that for another episode. And the third way is cloud printing. And you know what? We're going to save that for another episode, too. So what I want to do is start with the basics here, and we're going to set up this inkjet printer as a local printer. So there's really only two ways that the CompTIA A+ talks about how to physically connect a printer to a system…
