From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Enterprise wireless

Enterprise wireless

- Setting up a wireless network in an enterprise environment is very different but also very much the same as it would be within a small office or a home office. You still have SSIDs, you still have encryption WPA, WPA2, none of that stuff changes. The bands are there, the versions of 802.11 are there but it gets a little bit bigger. One of the big differences we have in an enterprise environment versus a small office home office is we tend to use dedicated wireless access points. These are real WAPs these are not routers, they're not switches. All they are are wireless access points. And we tend to have lots and lots of these wireless access points laying around. Now, if you've ever looked at the walls and if you're a nerd you're going to start looking at walls a lot. One of the things you go, hey, I see these wireless access points laying around but they don't have any AC adapters. Well, there's a very good reason for…
