From the course: Communicating Time Boundaries: A Business English Primer

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Why time boundaries matter

Why time boundaries matter

- [Narrator] What do I mean by these boundaries? I mean, let's say, okay, let's say for example that your coworker wants to meet with you, but you have a project deadline at the end of the day. - [Lindsay] Yeah. - [Narrator] Lindsay, do you ever feel, is it ever hard for you to express these boundaries or that you can't do something 'cause of time? Or do you ever feel guilty or is that easy for you? - [Lindsay] I would say I usually end up managing it okay, but I know it can be really hard. I know in the corporate world, people get pulled into meetings. We were talking about this in one of our episodes. A few weeks ago. - [Narrator] Oh right. - [Lindsay] People may have their own deadlines, and this is kind of the use case for this. They have their own deadlines, actual work they have to get done, but they get pulled into all these meetings where they might be just kind of second removed from that project, but someone wants them there for whatever reason, even if they're not speaking.…
