From the course: Communicating Employee Rewards

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Employer branding

Employer branding

- It's time us HR folks took a page from the marketing handbook. We need to market to job candidates and then continue to market the value of working for us to our employees. We need to do some employer branding. You see, total rewards communication is part of a bigger picture. Employer branding is about developing an identity as a great place to work so you can attract, retain, and motivate employees. And while I can't teach you everything there is to know about employer branding in this short video, I want to give you some quick pointers. A great first step is to ask yourself, why someone would want to work here. You might try answering that by doing a competitive analysis. That will help you discover what your competitors are doing with total rewards. Or you could try conducting a gap analysis to determine what people are currently saying about your rewards and benefits, and what you want them to be saying instead. You have an employer brand whether you focus on it or not, so you…
