From the course: Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

Stay calm

- Before we jump into the bulk of the course, I wanted to give you the most valuable piece of advice throughout this whole course, and that is to stay calm. These seven seconds can seem like a stressful situation, a time so stressful that I needed to make an entire course about how to handle it. But the guaranteed way to ruin all of the work we're about to go through is to panic when you're actually there on the phone to your prospect. If you panic, then you'll forget everything I'm about to tell you. You'll ask stupid questions and you won't speak clearly, and the prospect will be able to feel the nervousness in your voice, and they'll be more focused on that than what you're actually telling them. So if you want to execute the seven seconds perfectly and give off the feeling of confidence and control, then you just need to take a deep breath and relax. If the call goes badly, so be it. We can move on to the next one. If the call goes well, then we've opened up a new relationship and hopefully made a sale. These people are getting cold calls a hundred times a day, and they will not remember you if you forget your line, ask a wrong question or don't pitch your product perfectly. They don't even know about your product yet. So if you do get it wrong, they won't even know. Also, they're human beings. They're not going to laugh at you or attack you for getting something small wrong. So before we jump into this and before you make every call, just take a minute to focus your mind and keep calm. It's so important that we're just one person calling another. Neither you nor the prospect are in a stressful situation. So with that aside, let's jump into the course.
