From the course: Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

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- So there we have it. You've completed this course about the first seven seconds of a cold call. Hopefully you've taken everything you need to know to start every call off on the right foot. We've covered your tone, having the right mindset, building an immediate connection, being totally transparent, and respecting your prospect and their time. Just remember, keep your tone confident, strong, and like you're someone they should be speaking to. Keep yourself in the mindset that you're adding value to them and their business because you are. Your product adds value. Nobody would be buying it if it didn't. So you're not wasting their time by calling them. You're hand delivering value to them and their business. Grab their attention, not by pitching immediately, but by connecting with them through sounding like someone who has a value, referencing a mutual connection, or asking open questions. Don't hide the fact it's a…
