From the course: Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

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Do own the call

Do own the call

- We've just discussed how it's important to own the fact you're making a cold call. You're adding value, so why would you hide that? However, owning the call isn't only about being open to the fact that you're talking to a stranger, making a cold call. It also means that you set the tone, the pace, and the direction or intention of the call. Again, taking us back to our basic animal instincts, we're very acute to understanding who are the leaders and the authority figures and who isn't. And generally, once you've understood how dominant a person is within that personality, it remains as fact for the foreseeable future. That's our first impression of them, and hence it sticks. So, this is something you need to tell yourself, and then the customer will feel that. It's something we need to make clear from the start within those first seven seconds so that they think, okay, this person is confident in what they're offering…
