From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Your sales environment

Your sales environment

- So whilst preparing for the call and researching the company is important, preparing your environment is just as important so that you're in the right state of mind. Don't forget I said it's a numbers game, so you're going to be spending a considerable amount of time making call after call, getting through to the people you want to speak to and having those conversations. So you need to make sure that you're somewhere comfortable and you've made that environment as comfortable as possible. I myself like to have made my cup of tea, I like to have a pint of water, and I like to have my desk clear so that my brain is clear and I can concentrate on what I'm doing. Maybe yours would be coffee, a can of Coke, whatever it is. So make sure the environment is comfortable for you, you have this space, you also have the information to hand that you've done the research early. You don't want to be scrambling through your CRM…
