From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Tips for rejection and objections in cold calls

Tips for rejection and objections in cold calls

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Tips for rejection and objections in cold calls

- So that concludes the part of the course about objections and rejections. Now, there are loads of different ways to get around them, but hopefully those will set you on your path to finding what works for you in getting 'round them. Just remember, always ask why. That's how you'll find out what the problem is and that's how you'll be able to present your solution to it. Peel the onion. Find out what the true problem is and also expose lies. And finally, use feel, felt, found to tell them they're wrong and tell them that your product is the product to buy or the person you're booking for is the person to meet because that's where the true value is and that's what they'll see and you need to get around those objections to get the root cause, provide your solution. Be the doctor providing the medicine to their problem.
