From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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The best and worst case scenarios of a cold call

The best and worst case scenarios of a cold call

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

The best and worst case scenarios of a cold call

- So let's run through the best and worst case scenarios of making a cold call, and that'll make you realize that there is actually nothing to fear. Let's start with the worst. Let's say they hang up on you. You call them, say hello Mr Blogs, I'm here to talk to you about XYZ, bang. They hang up on you. Who cares? They'll forget it within seconds, and so should you. Go get a coffee, go for a walk, shake it off, make the next call. It doesn't matter. Let's say they shout at you. You call them and say, hello, Mr XYZ, I want to talk to you about my product, and they actually scream at you, saying you're wasting my time, I don't want to talk to you, this is a rubbish product, rah, rah, rah. It doesn't matter. 99 percent of people are very nice, and won't shout at you, they'll politely make up some rubbish excuse and maybe manage to get rid of you. What's probably happening if someone shouts at you is they're…
