From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Have a great elevator pitch

Have a great elevator pitch

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Have a great elevator pitch

- Now a lot of you will have heard of an elevator pitch before, it's a very well known phrase, but it's one that is absolutely crucial to have. If you're making cold calls, you've got a very small window to show your value and catch their ear, so it's very crucial that you have that information to hand and you can portray it properly. If you think about the elevator pitch example, let's say imagine your best prospect ever. They're in the right sector, they're in the right size. They're the person you absolutely want to be speaking to, and you get into an elevator, and there they are, and you end up speaking to them. And they say, oh, sorry, what is it you do? You have to be able to nail it first time, that's not the time to stumble and go, I do this thing that kind of does that. You want to have a really concise message and a very efficient way to explain it. And a bonus point is that once you've started to nail that…
