From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Cold calling techniques

Cold calling techniques

- So to get you into the right state of mind, here's a few techniques that I've found effective. In terms of considering the entire sales process, someone I like to study is Jordan Belfort, as you all know as the Wolf of Wall Street. He designed something called the Straight Line Technique, which is basically the theory that a sales process is one long linear straight line from open to close. You're handling objections along the way and as people fall off the line, you're pushing them back on. If they fall too far off the line, then you'll lose the sale. That's something that you can go away and reset yourself, but I found great in terms of visualizing the whole sales process. Second one is dealing with objections. My favorite is feel, felt, found. Now what that is is that's a technique to get over fears or get over objections by saying, "I know how you feel. "I felt the same, but this is what I found." Going into that…
