From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Cold calling tips and advice

Cold calling tips and advice

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Cold calling tips and advice

- So that concludes all of the main lessons of how to cold call. In this section, I just wanted to give you a final few little pep talk words to really drill in the main lessons to be had here. So the main one is to ask why all the time. You're using it to get past objections to gather more information. And use it if you're lost. So use it as the thing that if you don't know where to go from there, if you don't know the next question to ask, if you're just sort of going off track a little bit, just remember, ask why. And start asking why to these questions and it'll eventually lead back to the normal conversation that you can get back on track. Second one is to remember my post-it. Shut up and listen. That's the main thing you need to know is the 80/20 Rule. Make sure he's listening. Make sure you're uncovering things. Just stop and just listen to what they're saying and then provide the solution to their problem,…
