From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Getting on with sales calls

Getting on with sales calls

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Getting on with sales calls

- So this is the first of four techniques that I use to get over the fear of making those cold calls. So the first one is by a man called Brian Tracy, he's an absolute god in the sales-training world and he wrote a book called Eat That Frog. It's worth going and buying now or listening to the audiobook if you got a chance later on. What the theory is is that once you've eaten a frog there's nothing else you can that day that's worse. Eating a frog is a daunting and absolutely disgusting task. So you get up in the morning, you boil the frog, you chop it up and you eat it. And then whatever else happens to you that day is obviously going to be better than that. So it's plain sailing, easy day. I use the same technique when I'm making cold calls. So I pick the worst, scariest, most horrible prospect that I've built up in my head is going to be a scary one to call and I call them first. Because after that, whether the sale goes good…
