From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Researching your prospect

Researching your prospect

- So, don't forget we live in the 21st century. We live in the world of the Internet. You can do so much research before you start. You can look at their LinkedIn page. You can look at their website. You can go on chat rooms that they've also been on. You can even look at their Instagram, and their Facebook and their Twitter. You can Google the company. You can chat to the receptionist before you get through to the decision-maker. You can do loads of research so that you know everything you need to know about that person and that company, and then adapt that so that the product fits the company. That's going to catch their ear a lot more. If we look at an example, if someone calls you, I, for example, sell IT solutions, so, if I was to call them and say, "Hello, Mr. Blogs, we sell IT solutions, "would you like some?", they're not going to care, whereas if I call them and they work in, let's say a legal firm and I…
