From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Maintaining relationships with prospects with sales calls

Maintaining relationships with prospects with sales calls

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Maintaining relationships with prospects with sales calls

- So this section's all about relationships. It's the most important part. It's why we're all in sales and it's why you're doing the cold call, 'cause you want to open that relationship. So it's incredibly important to maintain it as you move along because maybe someone's not going to be ready to buy then, but if you maintain the relationship, it makes it a hell of a lot easier further down the line when you do want to convert them into a sale or a meeting or whatever it may be. For example, as I've mentioned a few times in this course, I'm a football fan and I actually have a list myself of everyone who I'm speaking to, be they a prospect or not, and which football team they support, so that if something big happens, their team gets into the champion's league final, wins the Premier League, then I can call them up and say, "Isn't it amazing that Arsenal "or Man United or Liverpool or whoever "had that incredible game…
