From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Why sales qualification is so important

Why sales qualification is so important

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Why sales qualification is so important

- So that concludes the section on qualifying calls. Don't forget, this is incredibly important and this is a part of the process that will not only be able to narrow your vision and filter out the people who either don't need the product or don't want it, but it is also the way to find out what their needs truly are. Going back to the doctor, you truly are finding out what is the problem. You're not just chucking Paracetamol at them. You're really finding out, actually, everyone thought it was this problem, it's actually this, and that makes you the best doctor in the world. So always remember you're asking why and you're doing your qualifying. You're doing your BUNTA, you're doing your budget, your users, your needs, your timeline, and your authority, and most importantly, shut up and listen. Just listen to what they're saying. Ask the right questions. Make sure they're open and take their responses to make the…
