From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Personalizing cold calls

Personalizing cold calls

- Fear is quite a personal thing. And it will be whatever you're feeling at the time. Some days you'll have more fear and some days you'll have less, just on how you're feeling and how your mood is. So please try all of those techniques. Work out which one works best for you and stick with it. And if one of them starts to lose its value, then try another one. Maybe Swallow the Frog works for you. Maybe the game Vacation works perfectly, and you should definitely try the Smartie thing. But the key thing is to constantly be trying it, constantly be improving, and always look for new ways to up your dials, up your performance, and get over the fear. And maybe it's a case of getting creative in your own personal way. So maybe the Smarties don't work for you. Maybe you should go for a parachute at the end of the week if you manage to close a deal, or whatever you personally find more rewarding. Or if you're doing a…
