From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Using the "peel the onion" technique in cold calls

Using the "peel the onion" technique in cold calls

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Using the "peel the onion" technique in cold calls

- So the next technique is called peel the onion. Again, it's a very famous technique but it's one that's incredibly useful particulary on cold calls. So what the theory is is that it has layers to their objections. And it's your job to peel down layer by layer until you reach the middle. So maybe they say, "I don't like it." You would say, "Why not?" And they say, "Well, it's not right for me." You could say, "Why not?" They say, "I already have one." "Do you like it?" They say, "Well, it could be better." And you go, "Oh how could it be?" And then they tell you the answer. They tell you the problem that they've got. That you're then providing the solution to. So there's an incredibly simple technique. But what you're doing is coming layer by layer by layer down. As I said it's good for qualifying, it's also good for gathering information. It's an incredibly useful technique just to find out what people are…
