From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Using your calendar to find sales leads

Using your calendar to find sales leads

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Using your calendar to find sales leads

- So now for my best source of leads. It's not a CRM, it's not a special email system, it's not a product I bought, it's my own calendar. And it's one that's taken a bit of time to build, but now it's just fantastic. So in my calendar I have a list of people that I've spoken to, and if I speak to someone and they say, "we are going to be reviewing our IT systems in nine months time," let's say. I'll say, "okay great so we'll speak in six months time from today, let's say it's September," and I'll put that in my calendar, September first, call X prospect. Because the're going to be reviewing in three months' time. And so I come in every morning and I just get a ping on my laptop saying, call X prospect they're reviewing in three months' time, and I think I totally forgot about these people and now my laptop is telling me that they're going to be reviewing soon, and I call them and I say, remember me? And of course they say,…
