From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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How to qualify sales opportunities

How to qualify sales opportunities

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

How to qualify sales opportunities

- So welcome to the qualifying section of the course. The reason I've made an entire section for just qualifying is because it's incredibly important, part of both the sales process and also the cold calling process. It's effectively to find out if they want your product and if they can have your product and if your product applies to them. So it's for both parties to be involved. You want to make sure you're not wasting time for both yourself and the prospect if it's not for them. If you're speaking to them and they say they can't afford it or they're not the right decision maker or it's not the right time, you've wasted your time speaking to them, and you've also wasted their time by telling them about something they don't actually need. Imagine reaching the end of the process. You've been speaking to them, they love your product, they think it's perfect, they need it right now, and then finding out you're five times the…
