From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

How to write a cold call script

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

How to write a cold call script

- This section is about building the script and structure to make your cold call and do it as effectively as possible. The areas I'll go through is how to open the call, how to do the hook as we were describing earlier, to then do the bridge which I will explain to you, to then qualify the call and then finally do a close. Now I'll go into detail of each one of those but before we do, just a few little tips for you. So the first rule is the 80/20 rule. That's you want the prospects to be speaking 80% of the time and you only speaking 20% of the time. Even then that's a little bit generous on your speaking part. Really you just want to be gathering as much information from them as possible so that you can put forwards the solution that's perfect for them. So one thing to remember about this is this is a guide, this isn't a script. You don't need to stick to it word for word, this is just to help you if you get lost, if you end up on a tangent, on a conversation you can easily bring it back to where you need to be. And it gives you a good structure to go through so that you know exactly going from A to B and the roots along the way. It also just gives you less to think about. You don't need to be thinking about oh what do we do next? You just look at your script, you see where you are, and you just carry on. So it's less to think about and you've got a clearer mind when you are making the calls. So let's move on to how to structure your call.
