From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Getting next steps in cold calls

Getting next steps in cold calls

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Getting next steps in cold calls

- So this section of the course is about the three main things that you need to get at the end of the call. You need to get the next step, you need to get the information you need and you need to get the permission to call back again. So our next step is you always need to have one. I mentioned this earlier. It is a crucial part of the process to make sure your time isn't wasted. So whether you're getting another call, you get information that you need to share or get from them, you need to get the meeting in place, or maybe even hopefully process the order. So the action can never be on them, it always needs to be with you. And if it is on them, so they need to provide some information or they need to go double check something with their boss or wife, then you need to have that follow up in the calendar. So you need to say to them, "oh, okay, great. "Well, I'm going to call you back in a week then "if I don't hear…
