From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Getting around objections and rejection in sales

Getting around objections and rejection in sales

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Getting around objections and rejection in sales

- Now this section is about how to deal with the objections that they're giving you. It's going to be an inevitable thing, they're going to immediately put their guard up and give you reasons why they don't want to be speaking to you or don't want to buy your product or don't want to meet you. So, its always interesting to know how to get around them. And, you've probably guessed it already, my answer to that is to ask why. You'll find out what the root cause is, and be able to maybe provide solution. So, maybe they'll say, "I don't want it", well why not? What's the problem with it? And then they'll have to admit whether or not they've understood your product, and maybe if they haven't, you can correct them, and say, "well, actually no, this is our product, and this is the value", and maybe they will want that. Maybe they'll say, "I can't afford it", and you can say, well, why not? Do you have a…
