From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Getting over the fear of cold calling

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Getting over the fear of cold calling

- Hello, my name is Miles and welcome to my course about cold calling. I'll be telling you everything that I've learned in my years of sales, and that I've learned from making my own calls, from watching colleagues making calls, reading books, listening to podcasts, pretty much everything I can do to learn more. So I've been in sales for years and in all of those jobs I've been doing cold calls. I've worked in retail, in software, in IT, in services, and property, and a whole lot more. In this course, I'll be telling you how to get over the fear, how to prepare your script, how to actually make the call itself, qaulify the leads, get past the gatekeepers, follow up effectively, and a whole lot more. So without further ado, let's get on with the course.
