From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Call calling rejection and getting past it

Call calling rejection and getting past it

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Call calling rejection and getting past it

- So this is maybe a bit of a harsh title, but it's true. You need to just get over it when get rejection. It happens. Like I said, not everybody likes Apple, and they're the most valuable company in the world. Some people just don't want it. Some people just don't need it. Some people just aren't ready or can't afford it. You just need to move on, go on to the next because it's inevitable. Don't forget what I was saying earlier about this being a numbers game. You're calling maybe 40 people a day, so you have the rejection. You just move on, and you just keep going. You have your coffee. You have your Smarties. You have whatever you need, and you just carry on. Also, don't forget what I said about the digging guy. Make that one more call. He was only digging one more foot and he would've hit those diamonds and been stinking rich. So you just need to remember, do that one extra call because rejection is inevitable,…
