From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Using the "feel, felt, found" technique in cold calls

Using the "feel, felt, found" technique in cold calls

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Using the "feel, felt, found" technique in cold calls

- So another very well-known technique to get around objections is something called Feel, Felt, Found, which I know I touched on earlier, but here's a little bit more detail about it. And what it is is it's to say, "I know how you feel. "I felt the same. "But what I found was this," and the advantage. And it's a way to effectively tell people they're wrong, but it's a nice way to do it because you're putting yourself in their shoes as well and saying I was also wrong at some point. You're just a little bit further down the line of being wrong than I am now. So now I've learnt the truth. And it works on anything. So I myself, I spent a very long time in India. Absolutely love the country and can't wait to go back. And I tell people about it all the time. I say, "You should go and visit India." And they say, "Oh, I don't know, it seems a bit busy," or maybe "The food's a little bit too foreign." And I say, "Look, I know how…
