From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Why preparing for a cold call is important

Why preparing for a cold call is important

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Why preparing for a cold call is important

- So that concludes our section about preparation for doing your cold calling. It's an area a lot of people underestimate, but it's incredibly effective in improving your conversion rate. So, I would seriously reiterate maybe going over this sectio again once you complete with the course, just to make sure you're in the right place. So remember, do your research, set up your environment, and make sure your elevator pitch is absolutely on point. And to do that you need to think about having clear message, make sure USP is right, make sure you have a hook to make sure you can communicate that USP, avoid jargon at all costs, and think about the F-A-B, the FAB. Keep on repeating that whenever you're writing your pitch. In the next section we'll be helping you do exactly that.
