From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Dealing with the gatekeepers

Dealing with the gatekeepers

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Dealing with the gatekeepers

- So welcome to the section about gatekeepers. It's something you would have heard of before, it's something everyone talks about, and it's crucial part of cold calling is dealing with the gatekeepers, dealing with maybe their rejection and how to get around them. So it's an area that a lot of people struggle with and can be an immovable object, but there are certain ways to get around that immovable object instead of through it. You will heard everything about them. You will have heard that they're the ones who can ultimately start or stop your pitch, which is definitely true, but I'll be explaining who they are are, what their job is and a few ways to get around them later on in this section.
