From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Tips for cold call scripts and structure

Tips for cold call scripts and structure

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Tips for cold call scripts and structure

- So that concludes the section of how to structure a cold call. Now, like I say, this isn't an absolute, hard and fast script. This is just a guide for you. This is something I did when I first started calling, was I wrote down those five sections I gave you. So I wrote Intro, I wrote Hook, I wrote Bridge, Qualifying, and Close. And I wrote next to it each section. So I took my elevator pitch, put that into Intro. I thought about a few different hooks and put that into Hook. In Bridge and Qualifying, I put a lot of questions I want to ask them. And then Close, I put the end results I wanted to happen, so a meeting or a sale, or getting a certain amount of information. And I ran through it. So I've made that a downloadable in this and for you to fill in the gaps yourself. But it's crucial that you have that, just so that if you do get lost, you can suddenly think, right, we're in the Qualifying stage. We need to…
