From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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How to close a cold call

How to close a cold call

- So when you closing off the call you want to make sure that you haven't wasted all of that hard work you've gone through in calling them, getting a hold of them, going through your page, do all the qualifying, you want to close it off in a way that it's been worth your time, and maybe that might be making the sale, or getting the meeting, but the main things you want to do is make sure you have the information that you wanted to get. Honestly I can't tell you enough times I've had a call I've got through to them, I've had a fantastic conversation with the prospect, we've agreed to chat again, and then as soon as I've hung up I've realized I didn't get their E-mail address, or their direct line and it was a total waste of time, I've called straight back, they're away from they're desk, and I've never spoken to them again, and I did all that work for absolutely nothing, so make sure you get the information you need, it helps if you've…
