From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Writing a bridge and qualifying question

Writing a bridge and qualifying question

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Writing a bridge and qualifying question

- So the next two sections, the middle of the call, which are the bridge, and the qualifying section, so this part of the cold call is called the bridge. And what that is, is that's moving away from you and the product, and it's moving over to them and what their current issues are. So once you've established, they would like to speak to you, your product does apply to them, or they are the right person to be speaking to. This is where we can start actually having a conversation with them and see how they would use it themselves. So here you're asking open questions. And one key thing is, this is where you begin to qualify, the opportunity. And qualifying isn't necessarily just seeing how much money you can get out of them or how quickly you can get them to buy it. It's also checking that it's the right product for them. So what you can be saying is, are they the right person to speak to? Can they afford it?…
