From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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How to keep servicing the prospect

How to keep servicing the prospect

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

How to keep servicing the prospect

- So this section of the course is all about after care. Now, I know this whole thing is based on actually executing the call and planning for it, but the after care is almost the other half of the work. You need to make sure that your hard work isn't totally squandered by having a good conversation then not following up with them. You need to make sure you're keeping your CRM up to date, and you're emailing them, you're making these notes so that you can email them on their birthday, and you're doing your follow up actions, you're getting your permission to call back. These are the crucial things that you have to afterwards to make sure you haven't wasted your time, and you're actually moving them along the process into the next stage.
