From the course: Cloud Security and Audit Fundamentals: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud

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Security basics in Google Compute Engine

Security basics in Google Compute Engine

- Google Cloud's virtual machine service is referred to as Google Compute Engine. Google Compute Engine is used to create and run virtual machines on Google Cloud. Let us get into Google Compute Engine. Let us navigate to the Google Cloud console and launch the compute engine service. Here we are presented with the compute engine interface. If click on VM instances, we can see the list of instances that we have. To create an instance, you click on create instance right here. Let's fill in the information. For the name we can put in LinkedIn learning, instance nine. We can leave the machine configuration with the default settings. Under identity and API access, let's leave compute engine default service account, and allow default access. Please note this is an insecure configuration. Under firewall, let's check allow all HTTP traffic. Allow HTTPS traffic. This is also insecure rules. Then we can check install…
