From the course: Cloud Security and Audit Fundamentals: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud

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Security basics in Google Cloud Storage

Security basics in Google Cloud Storage

- [Instructor] Google Cloud Storage is a service for storing objects within Google Cloud. To create a Google Cloud storage bucket, we first have to navigate to the Cloud storage service. Let us navigate to the Google Cloud console. From the console, we can launch Cloud storage. You can see we already have two buckets created. LinkedIn learning bucket one and two, that have access permissions. We can create another bucket. Click on create. Name the bucket. Let's call it LinkedIn Learning bucket. Let's pick seven. We can choose a storage class. We'll leave it default. Next, we'll go to choose how to control access to objects. The first option here is prevent public access. It's checked. If we uncheck this box right here, we have an example of an insecure configuration, also called a mis-configuration. Let us click on how to protect object data. Can leave it as it is. Data encryption. We can either choose Google…
