From the course: Cloud Security and Audit Fundamentals: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud

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Security basics in Azure Virtual Machines

Security basics in Azure Virtual Machines

- [Instructor] Microsoft Azure cloud's virtual machine service is referred to as virtual machines. Azure virtual machines are used to deploy operating systems, applications, or other workloads. Let us get into Azure virtual machines. Let us navigate to Azure Portal and launch the virtual machine service. We are presented with the virtual machines interface. Here we can see the list of virtual machines we have. To create a virtual machine, let's click on Create. Let's fill in the information requested. In the resource group we can populate, let's say, LinkedInLearning. Let's add a machine, say LinkedInLearningVM9. And availability zones, we can select multiple zones. We use multiple zones to protect applications and data against unlikely failures. Security type, you see, Azure has made it very easy for us to select various levels, so you can select trusted, confidential, or standard. We go with standard. For the images, we…
